Prof. Dr. Jan Wacker
nach Vereinbarung
Akademische Ausbildung
2011 | Philipps-Universität Marburg: Habilitation (venia legendi für das Fach Psychologie) |
2005 | Philipps-Universität Marburg: Promotion (Dr. rer. nat.) in Psychologie ("Dopamin, Handlungssteuerung und Spontan-EEG: Bausteine einer psychobiologischen Extraversionstheorie"), Note: Summa cum laude |
1996-2001 | Philipps-Universität Marburg: Psychologiestudium (Diplomarbeit: "Emotionen, Verhaltenstendenzen und frontales EEG"), Abschluss: Dipl.-Psych., Note: 1,0 mit Auszeichnung |
Wissenschaftliche Tätigkeiten
2015 | Ruf auf die W2-Professur für Differentielle Psychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik an der Universität Osnabrück (Platz 1 der Berufungsliste, abgelehnt) |
Seit 2013 | Professor (W2) für Differentielle Psychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik an der Universität Hamburg |
2012 | Ruf auf die W2-Professur für Differentielle Psychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik an der Universität Hamburg (Platz 1 der Berufungsliste) |
2012 | Platz 3a auf der Berufungsliste zur Besetzung der Professur für Grundlagen der Psychologie (W3 analog) an der Universität Witten-Herdecke |
2012 | Platz 3 auf der Berufungsliste zur Besetzung der W3-Professur für Biologische Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Diagnostik an der Universität Göttingen |
2011-2013 | Privatdozent, Fachbereich Psychologie der Philipps-Universität Marburg |
2010 | Platz 2 auf der Berufungsliste zur Besetzung der W2-Professur für Psychologie (Differentielle Psychologie und Diagnostik) an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg |
2008 | Research fellowship am Affective Neuroscience Laboratory (Prof. Dr. Pizzagalli), Harvard University, Cambridge, MA |
2005-2013 | Akademischer Rat am Lehrstuhl für Differentielle Psychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik (Prof. Dr. Stemmler) am FB Psychologie der Philipps-Universität Marburg |
2001-2005 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in DFG-Projekten von Prof. Dr. Stemmler, Philipps-Universität Marburg |
Mitarbeit in Universitätsgremien und universitären Einrichtungen
2015-2021 | Prodekan der Fakultät für Psychologie und Bewegungswissenschaft der Universität Hamburg |
seit 2014 | Stellvertretendes Mitglied des Prüfungsausschusses für Promotionen sowie des Ausschusses für Forschungs- und Nachwuchsförderung am Institut für Psychologie der Universität Hamburg |
Mitarbeit in Fachzeitschriften
Seit 2013 | Editorial Board des European Journal of Personality |
Seit 2013 | Editorial Board des Journal of Research in Personality |
Seit 2012 | Guest Editor für das Frontiers in Human Neuroscience Research Topic „Dopaminergic Foundations of Personality and Individual Differences“ (zusammen mit Dr. Luke Smillie) |
Eingeworbene Mittel
2019-2022 | A novel collaborative approach for EEG personality neuroscience research (WA 2593/9-1; Umfang: € 398.574) |
2010-2012 | Biopsychologische Grundlagen individueller Differenzen der Belohnungs- und Feedbackverarbeitung in gesunden und klinischen Stichproben (WA 2593/2-2; Umfang: € 76.000) |
2009-2012 | Neuronale Grundlagen der Modulation kognitiver Kontrolle durch positive Emotionen: Differenzierung von Zuneigung-Wärme und Erwartung-Vorfreude (WA 2593/5-1; Umfang: € 115.000) |
2008-2010 | Persönlichkeit und Handlungsüberwachung: Molekulargenetische und psychopharmakologische Untersuchung dopaminerger Mechanismen (WA 2593/2-1; Umfang: € 107.000) |
2016-2017 | DAAD-Fördermittel für einen Projektbezogenen Personenaustausch mit Luke Smillie, University of Melbourne (Umfang der Förderung für die deutschen Projektbeteiligten: € 5.531) |
2008 | Stipendium „Young Scientists Program des International Congress of Psychology“ (€ 900) |
2007 | G.A. Lienert-Stipendium für einen Forschungsaufenthalt an der Harvard University (€ 3200) |
2007 | Reisestipendium der DFG (Vortrag auf der Tagung der SPR in Savannah, GA, € 1100) |
2006 | Dissertationspreis der Philipps-Universität Marburg (€ 1000) |
2004 | Posterpreis der EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society ($ 1000) |
2001 | Diplom mit Auszeichnung |
2000 | Reisestipendium des DAAD für ein Forschungspraktikum in Madison, WI, USA |
Fruehlinger, C., Paul, K. & Wacker, J. (2024). Can personality traits be predicted from resting-state EEG oscillations? A replication study. Biological Psychology, 193, 108955.
Paul, K., Beauducel, A., Hennig, J., Hewig, J., Hildebrandt, A., Kührt, C., Lange, M., Mueller, E.M., Osinsky, R., Porth, E., Riesel, A., Rodrigues, J., Scheffel, C., Short, C.A., Stahl, J., Strobel, A., Wacker, J. (2024): Frontal Alpha Asymmetry as a Marker of Approach Motivation? Insights from a collaborative forking path analysis.J Pers Soc Psychol. 2024 Nov 21.
Beauducel, A., Scheuble-Cabrera, V., Hennig, J., Hewig, J., Hildebrandt, A., Kührt, C., ... Paul, K. …. & Wacker, J. (2024). The association of dispositional anxiety with the NoGo N2 under relaxation instruction vs. speed/accuracy instruction. Biological Psychology, 192, 108850.
Alexander, N., Illius, S., Feyerabend, D., Wacker, J., & Liszkowski, U. (2023). Don't miss the chance to reap the fruits of recent advances in behavioral genetics. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46, e208.
Beringer, M, Wacker, J. & Recio, G. (2022). Deliberate control of facial expressions in a go/no-go task: An ERP study. Acta Psychologica, 230, 103773.
Herrmann, W., & Wacker, J. (2022). Executive Functions Neither Associated With Agentic Extraversion nor Sensitive to the Dopamine D2 Blocker Sulpiride in a Preregistered Study. Personality Science, 3, 1-21.
Ohmann, H. O., Kuper, N. & Wacker, J. (2022). Examining the reliability and validity of two versions of the Effort-Expenditure for Rewards Task (EEfRT). PloS one, 17 (1). e0262902.
Paul, K., Short, C. A., Beauducel, A., Carsten, H. P., Härpfer, K., Hennig, J., Hewig, J., Hildebrandt, A., Kührt, C., Mueller, E. M., Munk, A., Osinsky, R., Porth, E., Riesel, A., Rodrigues, J., Scheffel, C., Stahl, J., Strobel, A., & Wacker, J. (2022). The Methodology and Dataset of the CoScience EEG-Personality Project – A Large-Scale, Multi-Laboratory Project Grounded in Cooperative Forking Paths Analysis. Personality Science, 3, 1-26.
Trofimova, I., Bajaj, S., Bashkatov, S. A., Blair, J., Brandt, A., Chan, R. C. K., Clemens, B., Corr, P. J., Cyniak-Cieciura, m., Demidova, L., Filippi, C. A., Garipova, M., Habel, U., Haines, N., Heym, N., Hunter, K., Jones, N. A., Kanen, J., Kirenskaya, A., ... Pickering, A. D. (2022). What is next for the neurobiology of temperament, personality and psychopathology? Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 45, 101143.
Wacker, J. & Paul, K. (2022). An unsatisfactory status quo and promising perspectives: why links between brain activity and personality remain elusive and what we need to change to do better. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 43, 224-229.
Herrmann, W. & Wacker, J. (2021). The Selective Dopamine D2 Blocker Sulpiride Modulates the Relationship Between Agentic Extraversion and Executive Functions. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-16.
Smillie, L. D., Bennett, D., Tan, N. P., Sutcliffe, K., Fayn, K., Bode, S. & Wacker, J. (2021). Does openness/intellect predict sensitivity to the reward value of information? Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-171.
Ohmann, H. A., Kuper, N. & Wacker, J. (2020). A low dosage of the dopamine D2-receptor antagonist sulpiride affects effort allocation for reward regardless of trait extraversion. Personality Neuroscience, 3.
Beringer, M., Spohn, F., Hildebrandt, A., Wacker, J. & Recio, G. (2019) Reliability and validity of machine vision for the assessment of facial expressions. Cognitive Systems Research, 56, 119-132.
Kuper, N., Käckenmester, W., & Wacker, J. (2019). Resting frontal EEG asymmetry and personality traits: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Personality, 33(2), 154-175.
Mittelstaedt, J.M., Wacker, J. & Stelling, D. (2019). Virtual Reality 23(2), 143-154.
Mittelstädt, J. M., Wacker, J., & Stelling, D. (2019). Emotional and Cognitive Modulation of Cybersickness: The Role of Pain Catastrophizing and Body Awareness. Human Factors, 61(2), 322–336.
Smillie, L. D., Hayley, K. J., Hughes, D. M., Wacker, J., Cooper, A. J. & Pickering, A. D. (2019). Extraversion and reward-processing: Consolidating evidence from an electroencephalographic index of reward-prediction-error. Biological Psychology 146, 107735.
Käckenmester, W., Kroencke, L., & Wacker, J. (2018). Frontal asymmetry predicts the incentive value of perceptual information. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 134, 22-29.
Mittelstaedt, J., Wacker, J., & Stelling, D. (2018). Effects of display type and motion control on cybersickness in a virtual bike simulator. Displays, 51, 43-50. doi:
Ohmann, H. A., Kuper, N., & Wacker, J. (2018). Left frontal anodal tDCS increases approach motivation depending on reward attributes. Neuropsychologia, 119, 417-423.
Wacker, J. (2018). Increasing the reproducibility of science through close cooperation and forking path analysis. Front. Psychol. 8:1332.
Wirz, L., Reuter, M., Wacker, J., Felten, A., & Schwabe, L. (2017). A Haplotype Associated with Enhanced Mineralocorticoid Receptor Expression Facilitates the Stress-Induced Shift from ‘Cognitive’ to ‘Habit’ Learning. eNeuro, 13 November 2017.
Geller, S., Wilhelm, O., Wacker, J., Hamm, A. & Hildebrandt, A. (2017). Associations of the COMT VAL158Met polymorphism with working memory and intelligence - A review and meta-analysis. Intelligence, 65, 75-92.
Wacker, J. (2017). Effects of positive emotion, extraversion, and dopamine on cognitive stability-flexibility and frontal EEG asymmetry. Psychophysiology, 17 March 2017, 1–16.
Wirz, L., Wacker, J., Felten, A., Reuter, M. & Schwabe, L. (2017). A deletion variant of the α2b-adrenoceptor modulates the stress-induced shift from ‘cognitive' to ‘habit' memory. Journal of Neuroscience, 23 January 2017, 3507-16.
Wacker, J., & Smillie, L. D. (2015). Trait extraversion and dopamine function. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 9(6), 225-238.
Mueller, E. M., Panitz, C., Pizzagalli, D. A., Hermann, C., & Wacker, J. (2015). Midline theta dissociates agentic extraversion and anhedonic depression. Personality and Individual Differences, 79, 172-177.
Mueller, E.M., Burgdorf, C., Chavanon, M.-L., Schweiger, D., Hennig, J., Wacker, J., Stemmler, G. (2014). The COMT Val158Met polymorphism regulates the effect of a dopamine antagonist on the feedback-related negativity. Psychophysiology, 51(8), 805-809.
Mueller, E. M., Burgdorf, C., Chavanon, M. L., Schweiger, D., Wacker, J., & Stemmler, G. (2014). Dopamine modulates frontomedial failure processing of agentic introverts versus extraverts in incentive contexts. Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 14(2), 756-768.
Mueller, E. M., Panitz, C., Nestoriuc, Y., Stemmler, G., & Wacker, J. (2014). Panic disorder and serotonin reuptake inhibitors predict coupling of cortical and cardiac activity. Neuropsychopharmacology, 39(2), 507-514.
Schweiger, D., Stemmler, G., Burgdorf, C., & Wacker, J. (2014). Opioid Receptor Blockade and Warmth-Liking: Effects on Interpersonal Trust and Frontal Asymmetry. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 9(10), 1608-1615.
Smillie, L. D., & Wacker, J. (2014). Dopaminergic foundations of personality and individual differences. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8, 874.
Chavanon, M.-L., Wacker, J., & Stemmler, G. (2013). Paradoxical dopaminergic drug effects in extraversion: Dose- and time-dependent effects of sulpiride on EEG theta activity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7(117).
Mueller, E. M., Stemmler, G., Hennig, J., & Wacker, J. (2013). 5-HTTLPR and anxiety modulate brain-heart coupling. Psychopyhsiology, 50, 441-453.
Panitz, C., Wacker, J., Stemmler, G., & Mueller, E. M. (2013). Brain-heart coupling at the P300 latency is linked to anterior cingulate cortex and insula – a cardio-encephalographic covariance tracing study. Biological Psychology, 94, 185-191.
Wacker, J., Mueller, E. M., Pizzagalli, D. A., Hennig, J., & Stemmler, G. (2013). Dopamine-D2-Receptor Blockade Reverses the Association Between Trait Approach Motivation and Frontal Asymmetry in an Approach-Motivation Context. Psychological Science, 24(4), 489–497.
Wacker, J., Mueller, E. M., & Stemmler, G. (2013). Prenatal testosterone and personality: Increasing the specificity of trait assessment to detect consistent associations with digit ratio (2D:4D). Journal of Research in Personality, 47(2), 171-177.
Mueller, E. M., Evers, E. A., Wacker, J., & van der Veen, F. (2012). Acute tryptophan depletion attenuates brain-heart coupling following external feedback. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 6, 77. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2012.00077
Wacker, J., Mueller, E. M., Hennig, J., & Stemmler. G. (2012). How to consistently link extraversion and intelligence to the catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT) gene: On defining and measuring psychological phenotypes in neurogenetic research. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102, 427-444.
Chavanon, M.-L., Wacker, J., & Stemmler, G. (2011). Agentic extraversion predicts frontoparietal theta activity and rostral anterior cingulate activity. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 11, 172-185.
Köhler, S., Wacker, J., Odorfer, T., Reif, A., Fallgatter, A. J., & Herrmann, M. J. (2011). Resting posterior versus frontal EEG slow wave activity is associated with extraversion and DRD2 genotype. Biological Psychology, 87, 407-413.
Müller, E. M., Hennig, J., Stemmler, G., & Wacker, J. (2011). Dopamine effects on human error processing depend on COMT VAL158MET genotype. Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 15818-15825.
Wacker, J. (2011). With great power comes great responsibility: Meta-analytic proof for a timeless insight. Biological Psychiatry, 69, e37.
Mueller, E. M., Stemmler, G., & Wacker, J. (2010). Single-trial EEG predicts cardiac acceleration: A time-lagged P-correlation approach for studying neurovisceral connectivity. Neuroscience, 166(2), 491-500.
Stemmler, G., & Wacker, J. (2010). Personality, emotion, and individual differences in physiological responses. Biological Psychology, 84, 541-551.
Wacker, J., Chavanon, M. L., Leue, A., & Stemmler, G. (2010). Trait BIS predicts alpha asymmetry and P300 in a go/no-go task. European Journal of Personality, 24(2),, 85-105.
Wacker, J., Chavanon, M.-L., & Stemmler, G. (2010). Resting EEG signatures of agentic extraversion: New results and meta-analytic integration. Journal of Research in Personality, 44, 167-179.
Wacker, J., & Gatt., J. M. (2010). Resting posterior versus frontal delta/theta EEG activity is associated with extraversion and the COMT VAL158MET polymorphism. Neuroscience Letters, 478, 88-92.
Leue, A., Chavanon, M.-L., Wacker, J., & Stemmler, G. (2009). On the differentiation of N2-components in an appetitive choice task: Evidence for the revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory. Psychophysiology, 46, 1244-1257.
Wacker, J., Dillon, D. G., & Pizzagalli, D. A. (2009). The role of the nucleus accumbens and rostral anterior cingulate cortex in anhedonia: Integration of resting EEG, fMRI, and volumetric techniques. NeuroImage, 46, 327-337.
Crost, N. W., Pauls, C. A., & Wacker, J. (2008). Defensiveness and anxiety predict frontal EEG asymmetry only in specific situational contexts. Biological Psychology, 78(1), 43-52.
Kemper, C. J., Leue, A., Wacker, J., Chavanon, M.-L., Hennighausen, E., & Stemmler, G. (2008). Agentic extraversion as a predictor of effort-related cardiovascular response. Biological Psychology, 78(2), 191-199.
Wacker, J., Chavanon, M.-L., Leue, A., & Stemmler, G. (2008). Is running away right? The behavioral activation-behavioral inhibition model of anterior asymmetry. Emotion, 8(2), 232-249.
Chavanon, M.-L., Stemmler, G., & Wacker, J. (2008). A cognitive-affective extension to reinforcement sensitivity. European Journal of Personality, 22(5), 391-393.
Chavanon, M.-L., Wacker, J., Leue, A., & Stemmler, G. (2007). Evidence for a dopaminergic link between working memory and agentic extraversion: An analysis for load-related changes in EEG alpha 1 activity. Biological Psychology, 74, 46-59.
Stemmler, G., Aue, T., & Wacker, J. (2007). Anger and fear: Separable effects of emotion and motivational direction on somatovisceral responses. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 66, 141-153.
Wacker, J., Chavanon, M.-L., & Stemmler, G. (2006). Investigating the dopaminergic basis of extraversion in humans: A multilevel approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 91(1), 171-187.
Wacker, J., & Stemmler, G. (2006). Agentic extraversion modulates the cardiovascular effects of the dopamine D2 agonist bromocriptine. Psychophysiology, 43, 372-381.
Pauls, C. A., Wacker, J., & Crost, N. W. (2005). The two components of social desirability and their relations to resting frontal brain asymmetry. Journal of Individual Differences, 26(1),29-42.
Wacker, J., Reuter, M., Hennig, J., & Stemmler, G. (2005). Sexually dimorphic link between dopamine D2 receptor gene and neuroticism-anxiety. Neuroreport, 16(6), 611-614.
Wacker, J., Heldmann, M., & Stemmler, G. (2003). Separating emotion and motivational direction in fear and anger: Effects on frontal asymmetry. Emotion, 3, 167-193
Wacker, J. (2005). Dopamin, Handlungssteuerung und Spontan-EEG: Bausteine einer psychobiologischen Extraversionstheorie. Berlin: Logos.
- Biopsychologische Emotions- und Persönlichkeitsforschung
- Persönlichkeit und soziale Interaktion