Gastvortrag von Bamini Gopinath am 27.11.2024
30. Oktober 2024, von Alexander Bodansky
Am 27.11.24 (12:15-13:45 Uhr, Von-Melle-Park 11, R 4) wird Frau Prof. Bamini Gopinath (Macquarie University, Sydney) im Rahmen des Forschungskolloquiums einen Vortrag zu dem Thema "Applying a Public Health Approach to Addressing Sensory loss in Older Adults" halten.
Abstract: Hearing and/or vision loss is debilitating. Interfering with primary modes of communication, these impairments inhibit one’s independence and ability to participate in society. We are currently working to change this through our program of research by applying a public health lens to sensory loss in adults. This includes projects that are improving the capture and use of robust contemporary data. Several examples will be provided including landmark studies initiated in 2022 such as the very first Australian Eye and Ear Health Survey. There will also be a focus on initiatives that aim to develop and implement evidence-based strategies to mitigate the negative impacts of sensory loss. The coordination and partnership among a range of key stakeholders underlies all these initiatives and this will be highlighted, as this is critical to ensuring the inclusion of sensory loss as part of a broader public health strategy.