Gastvortrag von Gijs Bijlstra am 24.06.2024
12. Mai 2024, von Alexander Bodansky
Am 24.04.24 (14:15-15:45 Uhr, Raum 16 VMP11) wird Herr Assistant Prof. Dr. Gijs Bijlstra (Radboud Universiteit) im Rahmen des Forschungskolloquiums einen Vortrag zu dem Thema "How group priors shape visual perception" halten.
Abstract: Biased perception has a profound effect on our judgments and behavior. Although in many cases the expectations we have about the world hold predictive value, sometimes they may lead to discriminatory behavior with detrimental consequences. In the Radboud Social Cognition lab, we study (I) the fundamental processes involved and (II) aim to develop and test interventions to reduce discrimination, stimulate diversity and inclusion. In this presentation, I will outline the various perspectives we study, with a strong focus on how the expectations we hold affect person perception. That is, I will provide an overview of ongoing research in our lab and present a series of studies on how prejudices and stereotypes influence emotion perception. Finally, I will discuss our most recent studies on whether group associations can be modified using reinforcement learning strategies, and whether this is reflected in the perception of emotions.