*Weber, M.-C., *Stroebele, L., Song, S.J., Offner, L., Huang, A.X., & Degner, J. (in press). The relation between contact experiences and dual identity among German residents with a Turkish or Kurdish identity. paper accepted for pubilcation in the Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology • open data
Bott, A.*, Brockmann, L.*, Denneberg, I.*, Henken, E.*, Kuper, N.*, Kruse, F., & Degner, J. (2024). Spontaneous trait inferences from behavior: A systematic meta-analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 50, 78-102. paper • open data
Diekhof, E.K., Deinert, L., Keller, J.K., & Degner, J. (2024). The COVID-19 pandemic and changes in social behavior: Protective face masks reduce deliberate social distancing preferences while leaving automatic avoidance behavior unaffected. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 9, 2. paper • open data
Sander, C. W. & Degner, J. (2023). Investigating mechanisms of political polarization: Perceivers spontaneously infer ideological categories from other people’s behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. paper • open data
Mangels, J. & Degner, J. (2023). When the Punk wishes you a great day, he still appears friendly: Stereotypes do not reliably guide spontaneous trait Inferences from behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 108, 104497. paper • open data
Degner, J. (2022). Vorurteile: haben immer nur die anderen. Springer Sachbuch.
Stelter, M., Simon., D. , Calanchini, J., Christ, O., & Degner, J. (2022). Real-life outgroup exposure, self-reported outgroup contact, and the other-race effect. British Journal of Psychology. 114, 150-171, paper • open data
Stelter, M., Essien, I., Sander, C., & Degner, J. (2022). Racial bias in police traffic stops: White residents' county-level prejudice and stereotypes are related to disproportionate stopping of Black drivers. Psychological Science. paper • open data
Essien, I., Stelter, M., Rohmann, A. & Degner, J. (2022). Beyond stereotypes: Prejudice as an important missing force explaining group disparities. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 45, e74. preprint
Bodansky, A., Johannsen M., Schubert, A., Preuss T., & Liedtke A. (2022). Die Wahrheit ist noch immer irgendwo da draußen: Sinnvolle Referenzstichproben und der Einfluss des Testortes bei familiengerichtlichen Begutachtungen. Praxis der Rechtspsychologie, 32 (1), 125-148.
Imhoff., R., Alexopoulos,T., Cichocka, A., Degner, J., Dixon, J., Easterbrook, M., Greenaway, K., Henry, PJ., Marshall, T., Papies, E., Rothmund, T., Schnabel, N. Smith, J. (in press). Thoroughly thought through? Experimenting with registered reports. European Journal of Social Psychology. 51, 1035-1037. paper
Burghardt, J. & Bodansky, A. (2021). Why psychology needs to stop striving for novelty and how to move towards theory-driven research. in Frontiers in Psychology, Section Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology. paper
Degner, J., Floether, J.-C., Essien, I. (2021). Do members of disadvantaged groups explain group status with group stereotypes? Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 750606. paper • open data
Degner, J., Steep., L, Schmidt, S., & Steinicke, F. (2021). Assessing Automatic Approach-Avoidance Behavior in Immersive Virtual Environments. Frontiers in Virtual Reality Virtual Reality and Human Behaviour, 2, 761142. paper • open data
Essien, I., Calanchini, J., & Degner, J. (2021). Moderators of Intergroup Evaluation in Disadvantaged Groups: A Comprehensive Test of Predictions from System Justification Theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 120, 1204–1230. paper • open data
Kruse, F. & Degner, J. (2021). Spontaneous state inferences. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 121, 774–791. paper • open data
Mangels., J. & Sander, C. (2021). Sind wir neutrale BeobachterInnen? – Warum wir das gleiche Verhalten bei Linda und Kemal unterschiedlich verstehen. InMind - The Inquisitive Mind, 4/2021. link
Stelter, M. & Degner, J. (2021). (Eye-) Tracking the Other Race Effect: Comparison of Eye Movements during Encoding and Recognition of Ingroup faces with Proximal and Distant Outgroup Faces. Social Cognition, 39, 366–395. paper • open data
Rohr, M., Degner, J., & Wentura D. (2020). Emotion misattribution from complex scene pictures: Evidence for implicit information extraction beyond valence. Emotion. paper • open data
Brandt, M. J., Kuppens, T., Spears, R., Andrighetto, L., Autin, F., Babincak ...Degner, J., Essien, I., ... & Zimmerman, J. L. (2020). Subjective status and perceived legitimacy across countries. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 921-942. paper • open data
Degner, J. & Calanchini, J. (2020). Age Invariance in implicit bias: Alternate perspectives and their implications for the development of implicit cognition. Manuscript accepted for publication in Social Cognition. Special Issue: Twenty-Five Years of Research Using Implicit Measures, 38, s135-s153. paper
Essien, I., Otten, S., & Degner, J. (2020). Group Evaluations as Self-Group Distancing: Ingroup Typicality Moderates Evaluative Intergroup Bias in Stigmatized Groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 50, 1108-1124, paper • open data
Kemme, S., Essien, I., & Stelter, M. (2020). Antimuslimische Einstellungen in der Polizei? Der Zusammenhang von Kontakthäufigkeit und -qualität mit Vorurteilen und Stereotypen gegenüber Muslimen. Monatsschrift für Kriminologie und Strafrechtsreform, 103(2), 129-149. paper
Bodansky, A. & Krüger, N. (2020). Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen: Zum korrekten Einsatz von psychologischer Testdiagnostik und daraus folgende Konsequenzen im Kontext familienrechtspsychologischer Fragestellungen. Praxis der Rechtspsychologie, 30, 83-96.
Degner, J. (2020). Stereotype und Vorurteile im frühen Kindesalter. InMind - The Inquisitive Mind, 1/2020. link
Degner, J. & Wentura, D. (2020). Messung von Vorurteilen. In L.-E. Petersen und B. Six (Hrsg.), Stereotype, Vorurteile und soziale Diskriminierung: Theorien, Befunde und Interventionen (2. Auflage, S. 185-200). Weinheim: Beltz.
Degner, J., Mangels, J., & Zander, L. (2019). Visualizing gendered representations of male and female teachers using a reverse correlation paradigm. Social Psychology, 50, pp. 233-251. paper • open data(1&2) • open data (3)
Stelter, M., & Degner, J. (2018). Investigating the Other-Race Effect in Working Memory. British Journal of Psychology, 109, 777–798. paper • open data
Stelter, M., & Degner, J. (2018). Recognizing Emily and Latisha: Inconsistent Effects of Name Stereotypicality on the Other-Race Effect. Frontiers in Psychology, 9(486). paper • open data
Arpin, S. N., Froehlich, L., Lantian, A., Rudert, S. C., & Stelter, M. (2017). When “We” or “They” exclude others: attributing and evaluating ostracism observed in in-groups and out-groups. Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology, 1-23. paper
Essien, I.*, Stelter, M.*, Kalbe, F., Koehler, A., Mangels, J., & Meliß, S. (2017). The shooter bias: Replicating the classic effect and introducing a novel paradigm. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 70, 41-47. paper. *shared first authorship
Singh, S., Steinicke, F., Stelter, M., Essien, I., & Degner, J. (2017). Das Police Officer's Dilemma in virtueller Realität. Proceedings of the GI Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Reality (GI VR/AR), 11, 125—136. *best paper award.
Wentura, D., Rohr, M., & Degner, J. (2017). Masked emotional priming: A double dissociation between direct and indirect effects reveals non-conscious processing of emotional information beyond valence. Consciousness and Cognition, 49, 203-214. paper
Degner, J., Essien, I., Reichardt, R. (2016). Effects of diversity versus segregation on automatic approach and avoidance behavior towards own and other ethnic groups. European Journal of Social Psychology, 46, 783–791. paper • open data
Rohr, M., Degner, J. & Wentura, D. (2015). The “Emotion Misattribution” Procedure: Processing beyond good and bad under masked and unmasked presentation conditions. Cognition and Emotion, 29, 196-219. paper
Degner, J. & Dalege, J. (2013). The apple does not fall far from the tree, or does it? Parent-child similarity in intergroup attitudes. Psychological Bulletin, 139, 1270-1304. paper
Dunham, Y. & Degner, J. (2013). From categories to exemplars (and back again). In Banaji, M. R. & Gelman, S. A (eds.). Navigating the social world: What infants, children, and other species can teach us. New York: Oxford University Press.
Bluemke, M., Degner, J., Lotz, J., Ritzenhöfer, L., & Shelliem, L. (2013). Intended and unintended reverberation of traditional and pro-age commercials as a function of viewer age. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27, 474-482. paper
Chiou, R., Stelter, M., & Rich, A. N. (2013). Beyond colour perception: Auditory–visual synaesthesia induces experiences of geometric objects in specific locations. Cortex, 49, 1750-1763. paper
Opitz, B., & Degner, J., (2012). Emotionality in a second language: It's a matter of time. Neuropsychologia, 50, 1961–196. paper
Degner, J., Doycheva, C., & Wentura, D. (2012). It matters how much you talk: On the automaticity of affective connotations of first and second language words. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 15, 181-189. paper
Rohr, M., Degner, J., & Wentura, D. (2012). Masked emotional priming beyond global valence activation. Cognition and Emotion, 26, 224-244. paper
Degner, J. (2011). Affective priming with auditory speech stimuli. Language and Cognitive Processes, 26, 1710-1735. paper
Degner, J. & Wentura, D. (2011). Types of automatically activated prejudice: Assessing possessor- versus other-relevant valence in the evaluative priming task. Social Cognition, 29, 183-211. paper
Degner, J. & Wentura, D. (2010). Automatic Prejudice in Childhood and Early Adolescence. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 98, 356-374. paper
Dunham, Y., & Degner, J. (2010). Origins of intergroup bias: Developmental and social cognitive research on intergroup attitudes. European Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 563-568. paper
Wentura, D. & Degner, J. (2010). Automatic evaluation isn’t that crude! Moderation of masked affective priming by type of valence. Cognition and Emotion, 24, 609-628. paper
Wentura, D. & Degner, J. (2010). A Practical Guide to Sequential Priming and Related Tasks. In B. Gawronski, & B. K. Payne (Eds.), Handbook of implicit social cognition: Measurement, theory, and applications. New York, NY : Guilford Press. (pp. 95 - 116).