Research Colloquium of Psychology
The aim of the research colloquium is to gain an insight into current topics in psychological research. We aim to use the colloquium to provide you with maximum flexibility and freedom in choosing topics that are of particular interest to you. This can also facilitate the choice of a Bachelor's or Master's thesis topic. A list of public lectures is constantly updated on this website. All students of the institute - and expressly doctoral students - are invited to these events!
Prof Dr Simon Grund
If you would like to have a lecture announced, please send an e-mail with the title of the lecture, lecturer, place and time as well as the organiser to: webmaster.pb"AT"
Lectures Overview
(Stand: 15.10.2024)
If you would like to announce a lecture, please send an email with the title of the lecture, the speaker, location, and organiser to:"AT"
The lectures from previous semesters have been moved to the "Archive"
Developmental Psychology
Date, Time | Information |
Tuesday, from 09.04. 4:15 pm (fortnightly) |
Title: Forschungskolloquium Entwicklungspsychologie |
Speaker(s): Prof. Dr. Ulf Liszkowski |
Location: VMP 5, Raum 4018 |
Organiser: AB Developmental Psychology (Prof. Dr. Ulf Liszkowski) |
Cognitive Modelling & Decision Neuroscience
Date, Time | Information |
24 October 2024 2:15 - 3:45 pm |
Title: Using cognitive biases to improve risk perception (Abstract) |
Speaker(s):Sonja Perkovic (Aarhus University) |
Location: UHH, VMP 11, Raum 4 |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Modelling & Decision Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gluth) |
24 October 2024 2:15 - 3:45 pm |
Title: A model of goal-based inattention in consumer choice (Abstract) |
Speaker(s): Jacob Orquin (Aarhus University)< |
Location: UHH, VMP 11, Raum 4 |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Modelling & Decision Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gluth) |
07 November 2024 2:15 - 3:45 pm |
Title: Triangulating Decision-Making Via Choices, Eye Fixations, and Reaching Trajectories (Abstract) |
Speaker(s): Geoffrey Fisher (Cornell SC Johnson College of Business) |
Location: Via Zoom |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Modelling & Decision Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gluth) |
14 November 2024 2:15 - 3:45 pm |
Title: Why?! Metacognition for flexible learning and decision-making (Abstract) |
Speaker(s): Romy Frömer (University of Birmingham) |
Location: UHH, VMP 11, Raum 4 |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Modelling & Decision Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gluth) |
28 November 2024 2:15 - 3:45 pm |
Title: Risk Attitude: Preference or perception (Abstract) |
Speaker(s): Christian Ruff (University of Zürich) |
Location: UHH, VMP 11, Raum 4 |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Modelling & Decision Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gluth) |
05 December 2024 2:15 - 3:45 pm |
Title: Neurocomputational insights into the construction of multi-attribute value and choice (Abstract) |
Speaker(s): Prof. Cendri Hutcherson |
Location: Via Zoom |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Modelling & Decision Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gluth) |
12 December 2024 2:15 - 3:45 pm |
Title: A view-based decision mechanism for rewards in primate amygdala neurons (Abstract) |
Speaker(s): Fabian Grabenhorst (University of Oxford) |
Location: Via Zoom |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Modelling & Decision Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gluth) |
09 January 2025 2:15 - 3:45 pm |
Title: Extensions to the study of n-alternative value-based decisions making (Abstract) |
Speaker(s): Kianté Fernandez (University of California) |
Location: Zoom |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Modelling & Decision Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gluth) |
16 January 2025 2:15 - 3:45 pm |
Title: Attention in decisions with ethical implications (Abstract) |
Speaker(s): Dianna Amasino (Tilburg University) |
Location: UHH, VMP 11, Raum 4 |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Modelling & Decision Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gluth) |
31 January 2025 2:15 - 3:45 pm |
Title: tba |
Speaker(s): Christopher Donkin, (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) |
Location: UHH, VMP 11, Raum 4 |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Modelling & Decision Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Gluth) |
Cognitive Psychology
Date, Time | Information |
2 October 2024 4 pm – 5:30 pm |
Title: “Learning about pain” |
Speaker(s): Prof. Dr. med. Christian Büchel, Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf |
Location: Hörsaal „R4“, Von-Melle-Park 11, 20146 |
Organiser: Prof. Dr. Lars Schwabe, Kognitionspsychologie / Graduiertenkolleg 2753 |
6 November 2024, 4 pm – 5:30 pm |
Title: “Leveraging the Science of Early-Life Adversity to Promote Youth Mental Health" |
Speaker(s): Dylan G. Gee, Ph.D., Yale University |
Location: Online in Zoom |
Organiser: Prof. Dr. Lars Schwabe, Kognitionspsychologie / Graduiertenkolleg 2753 |
4 December 2024, 4 pm – 5:30 pm |
Title: Changing minds by reshaping memories |
Speaker(s): Dr. Vanessa van Ast, University of Amsterdam |
Location: Hörsaal „R4“, Von-Melle-Park 11 |
Organiser: Prof. Dr. Lars Schwabe, Kognitionspsychologie / Graduiertenkolleg 2753 |
8 January 2025 4 pm – 5:30 pm |
Title: “Social reward responsiveness and depression vulnerability: Translational insights from event-related potentials” |
Speaker(s): Autumn Kujawa, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University |
Location: Online in Zoom |
Organiser: Prof. Dr. Lars Schwabe, Kognitionspsychologie / Graduiertenkolleg 2753 |
Educational Psychology and Personality Development
Date, TIme | Information |
29 October 2024 4:15 - 5:30 pm |
Title: Personality-Occupation Fit across the Life Span: Testing a Range of Well-being Indicators, Turnover, and the Role of Age |
Speaker(s): Christina Juchem (HMU Potsdam) |
Location: VMP-5 Room 4098 |
Organiser: AB Educational Psychology and Personality Development (Prof. Dr. Jenny Wagner) |
26 November 2024 4:15 - 5:30 pm |
Title: Happiness in Real Time: Investigating Well-Being Through Momentary Assessments |
Speaker(s): Julian Scharbert (Universität Münster) |
Location: Online per Zoom |
Organiser: AB Educational Psychology and Personality Development (Prof. Dr. Jenny Wagner) |
10 December 2024 4:15 - 5:30 pm |
Title: Navigating daily stress and mental health research: A scoping review & database building |
Speaker(s): Solomiia Myroniuk (University of Groningen) |
Location: VMP-5 Room 4098 |
Organiser: AB Educational Psychology and Personality Development (Prof. Dr. Jenny Wagner) |
Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology
Date, Time | Information |
tba tba am |
Title: tba |
Speaker(s): |
Location: Hörsaal Raum 16, Von-Melle-Park 11, 20146 Hamburg |
Orgnaiser: Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology (Prof. Dr. Brigitte Röder) |
Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy
All research colloquia in Clinical Psychology can be found on the department's website.
Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment
The Department of Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessment would like to announce a lecture for the research colloquium for the winter semester 2024/25:
Date, Time | Information |
15 January 2025 4:15 – 5:45 pm |
Title: Bemerkungen zu einem personalpsycholgischen Fragebogen: Die BIP-Familie |
Speaker(s): Dr. Rüdiger Hossiep |
Location: Philturm Hörsaal C |
Organiser: Differential Psychology and Psychological Assessmenk, Prof. Jan Wacker |
Social Psychology
Date, Time | Information |
27 November 2024 12:15 - 1:45 pm |
Title: Applying a Public Health Approach to Addressing Sensory loss in Older Adults (Abstract) |
Speaker(s): Prof. Bamini Gopinath |
Location: VMP 11, Room R4 |
Organiser: AB Socialpsychology (Prof. Dr. Juliane Degner) |
Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Change
Course Description:
This lecture series offers a glimpse into state-of-the-art research in the field of cognitive neuroscience and includes talks from several renowned international researchers. The course combines the BSc Abschlusskolloquium, the MSc Abschlusskolloquium and the M.Sc. Forschungskolloquium for psychology studies at UHH. The course language is English.
ESSENTIAL NOTE FOR BSC/MSC STUDENTS: If you want to do a BSc or MSc thesis in the department of Cognitive Neuroscience, you must reach out to Prof Schuck before and have confirmation that thesis topics are available. Signing up through Stine alone does not suffice.
Attending the Course:
Colloquium sessions with external speakers start with a short introduction to the topic by Prof Schuck at 14:15 (or see below) where the literature for the session is discussed. The presenter will give their talk following this introduction. The relevant literature will be announced through the colloquium mailing list.
If you plan to attend the colloquium, please subscribe to the colloquium mailing list using the following link: Forschungskolloquium-schuck
General Inquires can be directed to christine.manor"AT"
Date, Time | Information |
17 October 2024 2:30 pm |
Title: Orbitofrontal contributions to outcome-guided behavior |
Speaker(s): Thorsten Kahnt (NIDA Intramural Research Program) | |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4054 | |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Change (Prof. Nicolas Schuck) | |
24 October 2024 2:30 pm |
Title: Multi-goal spatial navigation is mediated by predictive representations with |
Speaker(s): Chris Gahnstrom (University of Pennsylvania) | |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4054 | |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Change (Prof. Nicolas Schuck) | |
14 November 2024 2:45 pm |
Title: Emergence of belief-like representations through reinforcement learning |
Speaker(s): Jay Hennig (Baylor College of Medicine) | |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4054 | |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Change (Prof. Nicolas Schuck) | |
21 November 2024 2:30 pm |
Title: tba |
Speaker(s): Toby Wise (King’s College London) | |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4054 | |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Change (Prof. Nicolas Schuck) | |
05 December 2024 4:00 pm |
Title: tba |
Speaker(s): Anne Collins (UC Berkeley) | |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4054 | |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Change (Prof. Nicolas Schuck) | |
12 December 2024 2:15 pm |
Title: tba |
Speaker(s): Luianta Verra (UHH) | |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4054 | |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Change (Prof. Nicolas Schuck) | |
19 December 2024 2:15 pm |
Title: tba |
Speaker(s): Simon Kern (UHH) | |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4054 | |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Change (Prof. Nicolas Schuck) | |
09 January 2025 2:15 pm |
Title: tba |
Speaker(s): tba | |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4054 | |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Change (Prof. Nicolas Schuck) | |
16 January 2025 2:15 pm |
Title: tba |
Speaker(s): Alexa Ruel (UHH) | |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4054 | |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Change (Prof. Nicolas Schuck) | |
23 January 2025 2:15 pm |
Title: tba |
Speaker(s): Noa Hedrich (UHH) | |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4054 | |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Change (Prof. Nicolas Schuck) | |
30 January 2025 2:15 pm |
Title: Structural abstraction and behavioral flexibility |
Speaker(s): Seongmin Park (Institute of Cognitive Science in CNRS) | |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4054 | |
Organiser: AB Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Change (Prof. Nicolas Schuck) |
Forschungsmethoden und Statistik
Date, Time | Information |
tba 4 - 6 pm |
Title: tba |
Speaker(s): tba |
Location: VMP 5, Raum 5042 |
Organiser: AB Forschungsmethoden und Statistik |
Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience
Date, Time | Information |
22 October 2024 6:15 - 7:45 pm |
Title: An (critical) introduction to addiction neuroscience |
Speaker(s): Caspar Geißler |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4099 |
Organiser: AB Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Anja Riesel) |
29 October 2024 6:15 - 7:45 pm |
Title:Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen zur Behandlung psychischer Störungen |
Speaker(s): Felix Strakeljahn |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4099 |
Organiser: AB Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Anja Riesel) |
05 November 2024 6:15 - 7:45 pm |
Title: Time-frequency EEG in OCD patients |
Speaker(s): Alexander Dolge |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4099 |
Organiser: AB Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Anja Riesel) |
12 November 2024 6:15 - 7:45 pm |
Title: Fear Conditioning in OCD |
Speaker(s): Kim Sobania |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4099 |
Organiser: AB Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Anja Riesel) |
19 November 2024 6:15 - 7:45 pm |
Title: Childhood Trauma and Fear Conditioning |
Speaker(s): Julia Ruge |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4099 |
Organiser: AB Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Anja Riesel) |
26 November 2024 6:15 - 7:45 pm |
Title: Novel imagery-based fear conditioning paradigm investigating fear learning and extinction in individuals with psychotic liability: an EEG study |
Speaker(s): Nilay Ahrens-Demirdal |
Loaction: VMP 5, Room 4099 |
Organiser: AB Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Anja Riesel) |
03 December 2024 6:15 - 7:45 pm |
Title: Dynamische Eigenschaften der Herzrate und ihre Beziehung zu Symptomen bei Psychosen |
Speaker(s): Lennart Winter |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4099 |
Organiser: AB Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Anja Riesel) |
10 December 2024 6:15 - 7:45 pm |
Title: Soziale Konsequenzen der Negativsymptomatik - Mechanismen verstehen |
Speaker(s): Hannah Allmandinger |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4099 |
Organiser: AB Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Anja Riesel) |
17 December 2024 6:15 - 7:45 pm |
Title: The influence of anhedonia on positive reward learning and reward anticipation |
Speaker(s): Anne Löttert |
Loaction: VMP 5, Room 4099 |
Organiser: AB Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Anja Riesel) |
14 January 2025 6:15 - 7:45 pm |
Title: Individual differences in fear conditioning |
Speaker(s): Dr. Mana Ehlers |
Location: Via Zoom |
Organiser: AB Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Anja Riesel) |
21 January 2025 6:15 - 7:45 Uhr |
Title:Opening the ivory tower: The joint forces of meta- and open science |
Speaker(s): Dr. Maren Klingelhöfer-Jens |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4099 |
Organiser: AB Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Anja Riesel) |
28 January 2024 6:15 - 7:45 pm |
Title: Psychotic vulnerability and Fear Conditioning: An EEG study utilizing a classical fear conditioning paradigm |
Speaker(s): Metin Özyagcilar |
Location: VMP 5, Room 4099 |
Organiser: AB Clinical Psychology and Neuroscience (Prof. Dr. Anja Riesel) |
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
All research talks in the I/O Psychology group are announced here.
Research colloquium/final module Timeline
The final module is divided into the research section and the conclusion section:
Mandatory appointments
In the third semester, you enroll in the research colloquium (LV-Nr. 71-03.700, one small group per subject group) during the general registration period at STiNE. Please assign preferences to the small groups you are mainly interested in, and exclude the ones you don´t want to participate. If you are enrolled in a research colloquium of one subject group, you are obliged to participate in the defined appointments. At the first session of the semester it will be announced, how many and which appointments (up to 7) are mandatory. In addition to these mandatory appointments, you can attend further sessions of the colloquium as well.
Appointment lectures
In order to avoid disturbances in the procedure, no signatures are given after the lecture. Instead, there are attendance lists where you have to fill in your complete and legible details (student ID number, name, signature). When you hand in your control sheet you can confirm your attendance by reference to the attendance lists that are deposited in the academic office.
Public lectures
You can choose the remaining appointments out of any public lectures throughout your studies. At the beginning of the third semester the number of mandatory lectures (at least 7 lectures) will be announced in your enrolled colloquium. On this website you find public lectures that are valid for the research colloquium. Each semester subject groups will announce lectures that are of interest to a general psychological audience. These lectures will be added to the list and will be published on this website. You can and should attend public lectures you are interested in right from the beginning of your studies. Don ´t wait too long until you start attending public lectures. The earlier you start the more purposefully you can choose lectures.
Stay abroad
In case you spend your third semester abroad, you have the possibility to attend a course at the foreign university that is in line with the research colloquium regarding content and extent (ECTS), which can be recognized as anequivalent to the research colloquium.
For this purpose you have to get in contact with us (person responsible for the module) and arrange terms before (!) you go abroad.
As an alternative, you can ask subject groups before you go abroad if it is possible to attend a final colloquium in your second or fourth semester instead of the research colloquium in your third semester. In that case, you should fix 7 mandatory appointments and confirm your attendance on the control sheet (in german). (For the remaining appointments please attend public lectures that are listed on this website.)
Please note: The mentioned alternative doesn´t replace the attendance at the final colloquium of the subject group where you will write your master thesis.
Control Sheet
When you attended all 14 lectures you have to submit your attendance proof to the academic office. Thus, your ECTS credits for the research colloquium can be recognized for the final module. As proof functions a control sheet that you can download from this website. If you attend a public lecture please bring your control sheet with you. After the lecture you ask the person that organized the lecture (lecturer of the subject group) to confirm your attendance with a stamp or signature on your control sheet. Attendance of mandatory appointments in the subject groups has to be confirmed on the control sheet as well.
It is your responsibility to store your control sheet carefully and hand in the original document. There is no attendance list at public lectures, therefore, we cannot replace lost control sheets.