Jana Mangels, M. Sc.
Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Scientific Associate
Research interests
- Impression formation and updating
- Stereotypes
- Spontaneous trait inferences
- Emotion perception
I'm currently on a research visit abroad and can be reached by email only.
Thank you!
Bodansky, A., Mangels, J., & Degner, J. (2024). Sozialpsychologie. Ein Überblick für Psychologiestudierende und -interessierte. Springer. Berlin.
Mangels, J. & Degner, J. (2023). When the Punk wishes you a great day, he still appears friendly: Stereotypes do not reliably guide spontaneous trait Inferences from behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 108(September 2023). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2023.104497. Preprint available at: https://osf.io/bjndf/?view_only=8f95c66579024c0fb6b44fdadb899cd6
Mangels, J., & Sander, C. (2021). Sind wir neutrale BeobachterInnen? – Warum wir das gleiche Verhalten bei Linda und Kemal unterschiedlich verstehen. Das In-Mind Magazin. https://de.in-mind.org/article/sind-wir-neutrale-beobachterinnen-warum-wir-das-gleiche-verhalten-bei-linda-und-kemal
Degner, J., Mangels, J., Zander, L. (2019). Visualizing Gendered Representations of Male and Female Teachers Using a Reverse Correlation Paradigm. Social Psychology, 50(4), 223-251. https://doi.org/10.1027/1864-9335/a000382 .
Essien, I., Stelter, M., Kalbe, F., Koehler, A., Mangels, J., Meliß, S. (2017). The shooter bias: Replicating the classic effect and introducing a novel paradigm. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 70, 41-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2016.12.009
Mangels, J., & Degner, J. (2023, September). When the Punk wishes you a great day, he still appears friendly: Stereotypes do not reliably guide spontaneous trait Inferences from behavior. Invited talk given at Irmak Okten’s lab, Florida State University (online)
Mangels, J., Döhr, K., Lichtenau, S., Ropohl, C., Stelter, M. (2023, September). Biased Perception of Facial Hostility in Black, White, and Arab faces: Preregistered Direct and Conceptual Replications of Hugenberg & Bodenhausen (2003). Presentation given at the 18th Conference of the Social Psychology Section, Graz, Austria.
Mangels, J., Döhr, K., Lichtenau, S., Ropohl, C., Stelter, M. (2023, August). Biased Perception of Facial Hostility in Black, White, and Arab faces: Preregistered Direct and Conceptual Replications of Hugenberg & Bodenhausen (2003). Presentation given at the ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
Mangels, J., Masi, M., Okten, I., Shen, X. (2023, June). You never get a second chance to change the first impression – or do you? How perceivers form and update impressions about others. Symposium organized for the EASP General Meeting Krakow, Poland.
Mangels, J., Brambilla, M., Chen, S., Degner, J., Goedderz, A., Granjon, M., Rusconi, P., Stogianni, M. (2023, June). “Well, that changes everything!” – How categorical information influences impression updating. Presentation given at the EASP General Meeting Krakow, Poland.
Mangels, J., & Degner, J. (2023, March). When the skinhead helps the elder, he’s still caring: Stereotypes do not reliably affect spontaneous trait inferences from behavior. Presentation given at the ICPS 2023, Brussels, Belgium.
Mangels, J., & Degner, J. (2022, September). When the skinhead helps the elder, he’s still caring: Stereotypes do not reliably guide spontaneous trait inferences from behavior. Presentation given at the 52nd DGPs Congress, Hildesheim, Germany.
Mangels, J., Döhr, K., Lichtenau, S., Ropohl, C., Stelter, M. (2022, September). Biased Perception of Facial Hostility in Black, White, and Arab faces: Preregistered Direct and Conceptual Replications of Hugenberg et al. (2003). Presentation given at the EASP Group Meeting “The Role of Emotions in Interethnic Relations”, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Mangels, J., & Degner, J. (2022, August). When the skinhead helps the elder, he’s still caring: Stereotypes do not reliably guide spontaneous trait inferences from behavior. Presentation given at the ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference, Milano, Italy.
Mangels, J., & Degner, J. (2021, October). Reverse Correlating Female Gender Stereotypes. Online Presentation given at the the EASP virtual meeting on the Social Psychology of Gender.
Mangels, J., Stelter, M., Degner, J. (2021, September). (Un)Biased Spontaneous Impression Formation: Relative Prominence of Face versus Body in Pictures Does Not Affect Spontaneous Trait Inferences. Online Presentation given at the ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference.
Mangels, J., & Degner, J. (2019, September). How Social Group Membership Guides Our Perception of Others’ Behavior: A Procedural Account to (In)Congruence Effects of Stereotypes on Spontaneous Trait Inferences (STIs). Presentation given at the 17th Conference of the Social Psychology Section, Cologne, Germany.
Mangels, J., & Degner, J. (2019, September). Spontaneous Inferences From Behavior and Stereotypes. Presentation given at the ESCON Transfer of Knowledge Conference, Bordeaux, France.
Mangels, J., Zander, L., Degner, J. (2018, September). Think Physics, Think Male? Visualizing Gender-Stereotypic Representations of Male and Female teachers. Presentation given at the 51st DGPs Congress, Frankfurt, Germany.
Mangels, J., Essien, I., Stelter, M. (2016, September). The Shooter Bias in Germany. Presentation given at the 50th DGPs Congress, Leipzig, Germany.