Research focus
Prof. Dr. Jan Wacker: Biopsychological emotion and personality research
Jan Wacker investigates the biopsychological basis of personality traits using electro-encephalographic measures, psychopharmacological manipulations, peripheral psychological measures as well as various behavioral measures and psychodiagnostic methods. A further focus of Jan's work is to develop and test more collaborative, open, and transparent research strategies with the aim of improving reproducibility and replicability of science.
Dr. Nina Krüger: Development and evaluation of psychological tests as well as talent research and promotion
Nina Krüger is interested in development and evaluation of psychological test procedures for children, especially regarding developmental and self-rating measures of Anxiousness in age pre-school and grade school age groups. Furthermore, she focuses on children and adolescents with special talents. Beginning in 2007, she organizes the Talentsuche Mathematik (talent search in mathematics), seeking to identify mathematically gifted children to take part in a talent promotion program.
Frank Spohn: Development of computer-based tests of cognitive functions
Frank Spohn focuses on neuropsychological diagnostics as well as therapy of pure alexia, which is a rare dysfunction of reading letters and words. It can develop after lesions in the left inferior temporal lobe and is the least researched acquired reading disorder. In order to develop new, primarily computer-based tests and trainings for these patients, cognitive-neuropsychological models and experimental paradigms are applied. Beyond pure alexia, his research focus also lies with computer-based diagnostics, for example the current development of a visuo-spatial memory test as well as a specific (“tailored”) form of an adaptive intelligence test.