News7 January 2025|BPNArticle publishedPant, P., Pitchaimuthu, K., Ossandón, J., Shareef, I., Lingareddy, S., Finsterbusch, J., Kekunnaya, R., & Röder, B. (2024). Altered visual cortex excitatory/inhibitory ratio following transient congenital visual deprivation in humans. eLife, 13:RP98143. 13 December 2024|BPNPhd position for the project "Sensory deprivation" availableFurther information on this vacancy and the link to the online application form can be found under this link. Application deadline: 13.12.20249 December 2024|BPNInterview with Prof. Dr. Brigitte RöderAn exciting interview with Prof. Dr. Brigitte Röder on the question of whether people, who had been born blind, can learn to see can be found in the Newsroom of the University of Hamburg in the section "Forschen und Verstehen" under this Link.24 October 2024|BPNPhD position in multisensory research availableFurther information on this vacancy and the link to the online application form can be found under this link. Application deadline: 24.10.20249 October 2024|BPNArtikel publishedSourav, S., Röder, B., Ambsdorf, F., Melissari, A., Arvaniti, M., & Vatakis, A. (2024). No evidence that sound–shape associations influence temporal resolution in humans: Five nonreplications of Parise and Spence (2009) and meta-analyses. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance online...7 October 2024|BPNPostdoc-Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt FoundationDr. Gargi Majumdar, National Brain Research Institute, Manesar, India has been awarded a postdoc fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to join the Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology lab of the University of Hamburg for two years. Dr. Majumdar will use neural modeling approaches...4 September 2024|BPNArticle publishedHötting, K., Shareef, I., Rogge, A.-K., Hamacher, D., Zech, A., Kekunnaya, R., Christy, B., & Röder, B. (2024). Posture control depends on early visual experience. Journal of Vision, 24(9), 3. August 2024|BPNJob vacancyThe Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology research group has a job vacancy for a student assistant in a project on experience-dependent face perception using EEG. For more details please cklick this link PDF. 6 August 2024|BPNSuccessful defensePhoto: Rashi PantRashi Pant successfully defended her doctoral thesis „Disrupted developmental processes in the human visual cortex linked to congenital patterned visual deprivation“ on July 18, 2024. Congratulations!24 July 2024|BPNVideo of the Hector Fellow Academy Symposium 2024 online nowIn an exciting symposium organised by Universität Hamburg and the Hector Fellow Academy, Prof. Dr. Brigitte Röder (Universität Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Sebastian Frank (Universität Regensburg), Prof. Dr. Ileana Hanganu-Opatz (UKE) and Prof. Dr. Thomas Elbert (Universität Konstanz) explored the question...18 July 2024|BPNDefenseRashi Pant, M.A., will defend her doctoral thesis „Disrupted developmental processes in the human visual cortex linked to congenital patterned visual deprivation“ on July 18, 2024 at 2:15 pm. Location: Lecture hall (R 4), Von-Melle-Park 11.18 July 2024|BPNNew publication acceptedHötting, K., Shareef, I., Rogge, A.-K., Hamacher, D., Zech, A., Kekunnaya, R., Christy, B., & Röder, B. (2024). Posture control depends on early visual experience. Journal of Vision, in press.11 July 2024|BPNSymposium of the Hector Fellow Academy 2024Photo: Hector Fellow AcademyOn July 11, 2024, the 9th Hector Fellow Academy symposium on the subject "Why do children and adults learn differently?" will take place in Hamburg (ESA 1, UHH. The scientific organizer Prof. Dr. Brigitte Röder invites everybody interested to join, either in presence or via livestream. More...19 June 2024|BPNJob vacanciesThe Biological Psychology and Neuropsychology research group has two vacancies for student assistants in a project on visuomotor functions. For more details please cklick this link PDF. 19 June 2024|BPNNew publication acceptedSourav, S., Röder, B., Ambsdorf, F., Melissari, A., Arvaniti, M., & Vatakis, A. (2024). No evidence that sound-shape associations influence temporal resolution in humans: Five non-replications of Parise and Spence (2009) and meta-analyses. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, in press. 6 June 2024|BPNIdeas and Venture Fund awardedDr. Diane Rekow is the successful recipient of the Ideas and Venture Fund, a research grant from Universität Hamburg, which was set up within the Excellence Strategy. This funding will allow the acquisition of pilote data for a research project on how (multi)sensory experience shapes brain...16 May 2024|BPNSuccesful defenseAndreas Weiß successfully defended his doctoral thesis „Emotional, Temporal, and Spatial Multisensory Integration and Crossmodal Recalibration in Individuals with Psychosis Proneness or Psychosis“ on May 15, 2024. Congratulations! 15 May 2024|BPNDefenseAndreas Weiß, M.Sc., will defend his doctoral thesis „Emotional, Temporal, and Spatial Multisensory Integration and Crossmodal Recalibration in Individuals with Psychosis Proneness or Psychosis“ on May 15, 2024 at 10:15 am. Location: Lecture hall (R 4), Von-Melle-Park 11.6 May 2024|BPNConference paper publishedBruns, P., & Röder, B. (2024). Improvement of sound localization after spatially congruent audiovisual exposure: A special case of crossmodal recalibration or higher-order visual location learning? Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 2024, 237-240.22 April 2024|BPNBPN Article in Nature Collection "Developmental Timing Across Scales"A recent publication from BPN, Sound suppresses earliest visual cortical processing after sight recovery in congenitally blind humans, has been included in the Nature Collection "Developmental Timing Across Scales". The collection aims to highlight research articles "that showcase the intricate ways...Show all news