Lectures and Seminars
BSc. Psychologie
- Modul Biopsychologie (Vorlesung, 1 Übung, 1 Seminar)
- Modul BSc. Empirisch-experimentelles Praktikum
- Modul BSc. Arbeit
MSc. Psychologie
- Modul MSc. Cognitive Neuroscience (Hauptseminar, 2 Seminare)
- Modul MSc. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (Hauptseminar, 2 Seminare)
- Modul MSc. Arbeit
- Modul MSc. Projektseminar
- Modul MSc. Praktikum
- Modul MSc. Forschungs- / Abschlusskolloquium
Here you can find informations about exams in Bachelor and Master Psychology.
Here you can find a list of free topics for BSc and MSc theses in our lab.Internships
We offer internships for MSc and PhD students. Please send an application including a letter of motivation, a documentation of your grades received at a university, possible starting dates, name of one reference, and (for German students) your Abiturzeugnis to:
Dr. Cordula Hölig
Biologische Psychologie und Neuropsychologie
Von-Melle-Park 11
20146 Hamburg
E-Mail: cordula.hoelig"AT"uni-hamburg.de